01 Create first Angular project

Maurício Alexandre Barroso
3 min readJun 18, 2021

This is the first article in a series that will cover issues about one of the most famous JavaScript frameworks used by the community: Angular. We are going to use the project created in this article to advance concepts and practice together the basic resources to get you started (or deeper) in the Angular universe. Good job!!

The first step is to have the Angular CLI installed. To do this, just run the command indicated in the official documentation. Link below:

After installing Angular CLI, create a folder where your project will be. Open your terminal, go to the created folder and run the command:

In the command above, the white field is the name of your project. After executing the command, you will be asked some questions. The first action is to the side if you want to use Angular's routing system. In our case, we will use this route system, so just type "y" in your terminal and click enter.

Após executar o comando acima será perguntado se você quer utilizar o sistema de rotas do Angular. No nosso caso utilizaremos esse sistema de rotas, então basta digitar “y” no seu terminar e clicar enter

In our project we will use Scss as the default stylesheet. However, if you prefer to use another format, no problem. Select the one of your choice and press enter.

Once this is done, the installation of the necessary packages for the beginning of our adventure is ready to start! It may take a few minutes.

In order to see the default project created by the Angular robots running in our browser, on your terminal, go to the directory created with the project name and run the command:

Compiled project! Now just open in the browser at the address http://localhost:4200/.

Congrats! You have just created your first Angular project. In the next article we will talk a little bit about the structure created by the ng new “project_name” command. See you later! =)

